About EDM's

We do EDM's a little differently around here. The subscribers your EDM's (Electronic Direct Mail) are sent to are couples who are actively searching for a wedding venue right now. They've opted into our mailing lists for access to exclusive venues, your latest news and special offers just for them.

We offer two types of EDM's exclusively available to venues on the Professional Package:

Ongoing EDM's

Your venue is promoted to each new email subscriber relevant to your geographic location. This generates more enquiries for your venue by putting you in front of couples at the exact moment they're searching for a wedding venue near you.

This EDM feature is automatically created for you when you upgrade your listing and includes your business name, photo, venue description and link to your listing.

One-Off EDM's

One-off EDM's are offered for the purpose of promoting:

  • your special offer
  • your open day
  • other (one-off) value add to readers

Please apply for a One-Off EDM here: